City Council Approves Costco Wholesale Site Plan


MIDLAND, Mich. — The Midland City Council has approved the site plan for Costco Wholesale. Tonight’s resolution paves the way for the construction of a 165,765 square foot Costco retail warehouse, tire center, and detached fuel station, which will be located at 4816 Bay City Rd.

In contrast to the fanfare that Costco generated in traditional and social media, as well as with citizen communications to City Hall, the plan was approved in relatively mundane fashion, being included on the council’s consent agenda and passed without comment.

The council’s approval is contingent upon six things, however. Costco will need a permit for underground storage tanks as well as a storm water management plan and permit, and a soil erosion and sedimentation control permit. Costco must also submit a traffic management plan and storm water and water easements, and finally, a bike rack must be included on the site plan.

Last month, after the Planning Commission sent Costco’s site plan to the council, the Midland Zoning Board of Appeals granted a signage variance, 4-1, for the retail warehouse. The variance allows Costco to utilize larger signage in its site plan.

This is a developing story…