Home Delivery

As a nonprofit, we believe that charging for access to our journalism conflicts with our mission. However, many of our readers ask us about home or business delivery options for our print edition.

We do have a donor level in our Modern Explorers program — Influencer — which also comes with home or business delivery of our print edition. Readers are always welcome to pick up a copy of our print edition at one our newsstand locations free of charge.


• All benefits from the Interested, Instigator and Investor levels
• Discounts on sponsorship and advertising opportunities
• Print home or business delivery

Donate $50/mo.

Donate $500 annually

We realize that the Influencer level is one of our higher donor levels, so it’s important to note that home or business delivery is a ‘thank you’ for donors who value our mission and generously contribute to help us conduct our important work. The donor level is not meant to be a reflection of the market value of mere delivery of our print edition.

Please know how grateful we are for the number of engaged citizens who financially support local nonprofit journalism and help to craft a news report that benefits the community.