Lee Campaign Fined $500 For Late Finance Filing


MIDLAND, Mich. — Midland County Law Enforcement Center administrative professional Laura Lee’s campaign was assessed a $500 fee late last month for a late campaign finance filing. Ms. Lee is running for Midland County Sheriff in the 2020 G.O.P. primary.

Laura Lee

Ms. Lee’s campaign committee filed a pre-election statement on Aug. 27 after an inquiry from Midland County Clerk Ann Manary, Ms. Manary told the City Paper. The statement was due on July 26.

“As the Treasurer for the campaign, I take full responsibility for the late filing of the July Quarterly report,” Scott Haines told the City Paper.

“When it was brought to my attention by a person associated with one of the other campaigns that a report was due, it was immediately filed with the County Clerk the very next day,” he said. “In accordance with Election Law, the assessed fee will be paid.”

The Michigan Campaign Finance Act sets the fee at $25 for each business day that the statement is late, however it is capped at $500.

“Please be advised that this office is assessing the above-named committee a late filing fee for the late filing of the following Statement,” reads correspondence from Ms. Manary’s office to Ms. Lee’s campaign.

Ms. Lee, former Midland Deputy Police Chief Rodney L. Roten, Midland County Sheriff deputy Myron Greene, and former corrections officer Art Beagle; are the announced candidates so far for Midland County Sheriff in the 2020 G.O.P. primary election, which will be held on Aug. 4.

The trio is looking to replace embattled Midland County Sheriff Scott Stephenson, who has indicated he will not run for reelection.

This article has been updated to include comments from Scott Haines, Laura Lee’s campaign treasurer.